Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 15, 2008 Worth Repeating

This past Sunday, I found myself again passing through the same busy intersection in Orlando where the car below makes hundreds of u-turns every Sunday morning in an attempt (I assume) to spread the gospel. Mr." I Hot Glued Plastic Animals to My Camry for Jesus" Guy is still at it, even though gas prices have soared. I think I may use his technique to spread the word about the dying art of the Carnival Sideshow. This afternoon, I plan to hot glue millions of dwarfs, Chupacabras, bearded women, lobster pincers, and half people (replicas, of course, so that no sideshow performers are harmed) to my car, and drive back and forth through the intersection in front of the Showtown Restaurant and Lounge in Gibtown.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to ride in that car so badly I'd be willing to let him talk to me.