Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 12, 2008 Taco Bus

I know, I know...these aren't your typical "I was somewhere normal, when something weird happened" photos. Instead this is just a nice little, well-deserved plug for a Seminole Heights neighborhood Taqueria (that qualifies for this particular blog, because it does have somewhat of a strange kitchen). El Taconazo...or more appropriately, The Taco Bus, is located just east of Nebraska Ave on Hillsborough Ave. This Kitchen-in-a-Old-School-Bus concept is well loved and the food is excellent! The Taco Bus recently changed owners, which caused rumors that food was not as good...NOT TRUE. There was also another nasty rumor circulating that it closed for good and/or changed names...NOT TRUE. As a matter of fact, they are now open every day. So go experience the Taco Bus for's fun, cheap and the best thing going at that intersection.

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